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With Cleopatra, develop an optimized schedule that minimizes the out-of-service cost with maximum resource usage


With hundreds or even thousands of work orders consisting of multiple activities, the complexity of planning and scheduling increases drastically for an STO. Minimum time loss between all those activities is crucial when you consider the high out-of-service-cost of a turnaround.

Cleopatra, the Total Turnaround Management Software, helps you develop an optimized schedule to minimize the out-of-service cost with maximum resource usage.

When the man-hours per activity from the TA cost database is combined with the efficiency factors of your specific site and project, you can unlock the duration of each activity and get the critical path right every time.

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Learn more about what Cleopatra Enterprise has to offer. Request a demo of our advanced total turnaround management software from the experts in the industry.

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Define clear tasks in the turnaround work packages with the right amount of information. The schedule often tends to be too detailed or too high level. Too detailed schedule leads to a TA that is uncontrollable, while too high-level one leads to a vague work description.

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